留了言竟然消失~~結果寫的心情就不一樣了--因為不爽中!!!!=.= ^_^我還是得平心靜氣的寫~~要祝福你情人節快樂喔~~明天我的活動其中有一項是拜拜呢!真是奇怪的情人節 ^_^ 不過慶興的是你又可以去另外一個地方了 真好~~(之前沒去吧~為什麼聽起來好像有去??) #_# Anyway. Good luck and have brilliant working experience there. By the way...阿信一回來竟然跟我落英文說Volunteer's day happy~~=.= 我當然就只有傻眼的份了~~哈
To Martensiajack Sorry for disappear message. I am in Clive's place and heading to bush bird banding later. Happy Valentine's day!(I was in GMH drain and Yarra creek in Melbourne with VWSG for wader banding taht day n stay in a big house which is 150+ yrs).
4 則留言:
怕欠太多篇在出發前盡量寫, 寫到行李都來不及打包嗎? 有空記得打電話報平安, 因為打給妳10次有9次是沒人接, 另一次是沒電關機.
哈哈 你說的真的頗貼切呢! 我會的
^_^我還是得平心靜氣的寫~~要祝福你情人節快樂喔~~明天我的活動其中有一項是拜拜呢!真是奇怪的情人節 ^_^
不過慶興的是你又可以去另外一個地方了 真好~~(之前沒去吧~為什麼聽起來好像有去??) #_# Anyway. Good luck and have brilliant working experience there. By the way...阿信一回來竟然跟我落英文說Volunteer's day happy~~=.=
To Martensiajack
Sorry for disappear message. I am in Clive's place and heading to bush bird banding later. Happy Valentine's day!(I was in GMH drain and Yarra creek in Melbourne with VWSG for wader banding taht day n stay in a big house which is 150+ yrs).